Popular Questions:
Yes, Milkor partners with quality munitions manufacturers, such as the Rheinmetall family of munitions. This allows Milkor to supply clients with a complete weapons and munitions package if required.
No. This weapon system is above a 50 caliber in diameter and therefore has very specialized laws and regulations regarding sales to civilian population.
Yes. The training is mandatory for the loan or purchase of a weapon system
Ordering & Sales:
Loaned gun
The processing time for a DSP-73 is about 23 days or longer depending on the country. No ATF forms are required and once the DSP-73 is approved and the shipment is complete we can ship. It may, therefore, take approximately 30 days from receipt of all the required documents for the export of the weapons.
Purchased gun
The processing time for a DSP-5 is also about 23 days or longer depending on the country. An ATF from 9 is required and cannot be submitted until after the DSP-5 has been approved and the processing time for this is about 30 days. It may, therefore, take approximately about 2 months from receipt of all the required documents needed to submit the DSP-5 for the export of the weapons. Another consideration is the ATF Form 2. The Form 9 cannot be submitted until the guns have been approved on a Form 2 and this cannot be done until further along in the manufacturing process. This should usually take less than a month to approve if submitted online. If the Form 2 isn’t submitted until after the DSP-5 is complete, there may be delays in the export process.
Loaned gun
- Import permit – Original or certified copy signed by the foreign government or a letter from the end user stating that one is not needed.
- Letter of Request – This is from the end user and should state what the export is for.
- Security, Storage and Return Date – A letter or statement (this can be in the Letter of Request) that states how the guns will be stored and protected and when they will be returned to Milkor.
Please note that English translations must be provided for foreign language documents.
Purchased gun
- DSP-83 (End User Certificate) – Signed original DSP-83, which needs to match the purchase order and does not need to include shipping. Training/Orientation needs to be listed. Below is the link for the current version and instructions. http://pmddtc.state.gov/licensing/documents/dsp_83.pdf
- Import permit – Original or certified copy signed by a competent official, or a letter from the end user stating that one is not needed.
- Signed Original Purchase Order – This has to meet the following requirements:
- Must be on the customer’s letterhead.
- Must be dated – Purchase orders with dates older than one year will not be accepted by the Department of State.
- Commodities with quantities, descriptions and unit price of all items being purchased must be listed and this has to match the DSP-83.
- Must include shipping charges
- Must include the total price in US dollars
- End Use Statement – Must be on the customer’s letterhead and signed. It needs to state the end user and the end use of the product.
- This does not have to be a separate document, the info can be added to the purchase order or import permit.
- Foreign Intermediate Consignee – Full names, addresses and their role in the transaction for foreign parties involved; including freight forwarders, customs brokers, agents or representatives, and brokers.
Please note that English translations must be provided for foreign language documents.
Yes. The training is mandatory for the loan or purchase of a weapon system